Social Plan
New improved Migros social plan strengthens employees

In coorperation with its internal and external social partners, for the first time Migros has drawn up a standardised social plan for its employees. In light of the planned sale of individual companies, Migros is fulfilling its social responsibility as an employer with such a plan. The social plan has been in place since 1 May 2024.
Migros and its internal and external social partners (the National Commission LAKO, the Swiss Butchers' Staff Association and the Swiss Commercial Association) have agreed on a new social plan. This is Migros' first standardised social plan. The new social plan benefits all affected employees and represents a significant improvement compared to the previous social plans of the individual cooperatives and Migros companies. Key points include opportunities for long-term employees and employees over the age of 50 to find other positions within the company, extensive support for further training and compensation for increased travel costs incurred when changing jobs.
In light of the sale of and changes at individual Migros companies and specialist markets announced in February 2024, Migros is fulfilling its social responsibility as Switzerland's largest private employer. The new social plan offers an improved foundation for the affected employees and focuses on strengthening their employability. Andrea Krapf, Head of Department Human Resources Management and Commitment Migros Group and member of the Executive Board: "The new social plan ensures that Migros provides all employees with uniform support that is better than before, with the aim of finding a new, good solution for as many of those affected as possible."
The internal and external social partners, the Migros Group National Commission (LaKo), the Swiss Commercial Association and the Swiss Butchers' Staff Association are satisfied with the negotiated national social plan following the intensive negotiations.
The social plan currently applies to: Migros Cooperative Aare, Migros Cooperative Basel, Migros Cooperative Geneva, Migros Cooperative Lucerne, Migros Cooperative Neuchâtel-Fribourg, Migros Cooperative Eastern Switzerland, Migros Cooperative Ticino, Migros Cooperative Vaud, Migros Cooperative Valais, Migros Cooperative Zurich, Migros Fachmarkt AG, Federation of Migros Cooperatives, Migros Industrie, Migros Supermarkt AG, Migros Verteilbetrieb AG.
Migros Group National Commission
The National Commission (LAKO) is the umbrella organisation for all Personnel Committees (PEKO) of the Migros Group companies. It assumes the role of an inter-company social partner. It represents the common interests of all PEKOs and deals with overarching issues that cannot be dealt with by individual committees. Among other things, it is responsible for CLA negotiations and annual wage negotiations at inter-company level and is committed to training and further education in labour law and social partnership participation.
Swiss Commercial Association
The Swiss Commercial Association is the competence centre for education and careers in commerce and business as well as in the retail trade. It supports and informs its members and customers on issues relating to their careers. The association also represents employees from the banking and insurance, retail, trade and industry sectors, avaition and staff leasing in around 40 collective employment agreements and is committed to strengthening their employability. Through its schools - commercial basic and further education schools, the Zurich School of Business (HWZ) and the Swiss Institute of Business Administration (SIB) - the Swiss Commercial Association offers practical training and further education. As a sponsor and co-sponsor of various professional and specialist examinations, it plays an active role in shaping the Swiss education system. In 2023, the Swiss Commercial Association will celebrate its 150th anniversary. More information: kfmv.ch.
Swiss Commercial Association
+41 44 283 45 13 | kommunikation@kfmv.ch
Butchers' Staff Association Switzerland
One of the most traditional but farsighted professional staff associations in Switzerland was founded under the name of "Metzgereipersonal-Verband der Schweiz MPV (Butchers' Staff Association Switzerland)" in 1899. The MPV represents professionals and employees who proudly contribute their knowledge and skills to the Swiss meat industry at all levels. The MPV also represents the professional interests of employees in the Swiss convenience sector. The MPV aims to continuously promote the working conditions and professional advancement of employees in the meat and convenience sector. MPV members receive financial support in this regard as well.
Butchers' Staff Association Switzerland
+44 311 64 06 | mpv@mpv.ch
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