Your running video
Migros MyRun Clip
We make it possible: 24 hours after crossing the finish line, your personal Migros MyRun clip featuring the best moments of your run will be available to you.
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The biggest races we support in 2025:
15 March 2025: Kerzerslauf
3 May 2025: Luzerner Stadtlauf
3 - 4 May 2025: 20km de Lausanne
10 May 2025: Grand-Prix von Bern
17 May 2025: SOLA-Stafette Zürich
29 May 2025: Auffahrtslauf St.Gallen
15 June 2025: Schweizer Frauenlauf Bern
20 September 2025: Greifenseelauf
27 - 28 September 2025: StraLugano
4 - 5 October 2025: Murtenlauf
11 October 2025: Hallwilerseelauf
6 - 7 December 2025: Course de l'Escalade
13 December 2025: Course de Noël
14 December 2025: Zürcher Silvesterlauf
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