
People stacking hands together in the park

Culture Percentage

A heart for diversity – how about two or three?

A diverse Switzerland needs fresh ideas to bring society together. A total of 25 ideas made it to the final of the Migros Culture Percentage ideas competition. Choose now your favorite.

Jörg Marquardt
Adobe Stock
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How can we bring people from different backgrounds, generations and genders and who have different opportunities together? The Migros Culture Percentage’s ‘Diverse Switzerland’ ideas competition sought solutions to this challenge (#diversityinitiative). There was a tremendous response with 164 project ideas submitted from all over the country – all in collaboration with social and cultural institutions. This means 100 more entries were received than for the neighbourhood and friendship competitions in previous years.

Project submissions

The project submissions include cultural activities, meeting places and venues, as well as campaigns aimed at raising the profile of disadvantaged groups. All of the submissions aim to build bridges in our diverse society. The aspects of diversity addressed include impairments, age, origin, religion and financial opportunity.

What made the shortlist

A five-member jury – three people from Migros Culture Percentage and two external experts – carefully assessed all of the applications and drew up a shortlist. Of the 25 remaining projects, 15 now have the opportunity to receive funding from the Migros Culture Percentage. The top 15 will be decided in a public vote (see below). Whether it’s parent-child language clubs, workshops on accessible buildings or intercultural meeting places, the range of projects is broad.

The following grants are available

The projects selected will receive a one-off grant of between CHF 10,000 and CHF 50,000. The amount will depend on personnel and material costs. Professional coaching on volunteering will also be provided, where required, along with advice on securing additional funding and conducting successful public relations activities. Workshops are being held in Lucerne and Biel with the intention of promoting exchange between the projects.

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