
Illustration of what belongs in the emergency supplies


What to keep in your emergency store

We should all keep some emergency supplies at home. Do you know what you should always have in your store cupboard? We explain everything you need to know!

Nina Huber

The Swiss Federal government recommends keeping a stock of emergency supplies. That’s why it’s launching an online calculator that automatically works out what your household needs (see box). The aim is to ensure everyone can get through the first few days of a supply problem, for example, a power outage or flooding.

Your emergency supplies

Generally speaking, keep a stock of three days’ worth of drinking water for every household member – that’s 9 litres of water per person. There should be enough food for a week, a torch, candles, batteries or other energy sources and any important medicines. It’s also a good idea to stock food that doesn’t require cooking, such as crispbreads, apple puree and dried fruit. It’s also worth keeping a small amount of cash in your emergency supplies along with toilet rolls, hygiene masks, soap and disinfectant.

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Consume and replace your supplies on an ongoing basis

Even if your emergency supplies sensibly include food with a long shelf life, it still needs to be used regularly and replaced with fresh products. That’s why the food you keep in store should be what you usually eat and require. Ideally, your supplies should include key staples, such as rice and pasta, to provide a supply of carbohydrates, as well as pulses, tinned food, dried sausage and oil to meet your protein, vitamin and fat requirements.

Have a system for your supplies

Dry, cool and dark places usually provide the best conditions for storing food. Packs of food should be sorted based on best-before dates. Place items with a shorter shelf life at the front of the row.

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