
Four Migros employees each in their work environment

Work environment

Is there harmony between the genders?

To mark Women’s Day on 8 March, we asked three women and three men for their views on work-life balance and gender equality. We found that there's still much room for improvement.

Katja Fischer De Santi, Pierre Wuthrich
Loris von Siebenthal, Niels Ackermann, Michèle Büschi, Lucas Ziegler

“There are not enough female role models”

How do you organise work and family responsibilities in your family?
My husband and I both work and we organise our professional and family lives on an absolutely equal footing. We don’t divide up responsibilities in the conventional way, but planning is still vitally important.

Have you experienced situations in your professional life where you’ve felt disadvantaged?
No, not really. But one thing that’s really noticeable is being the only woman sat around the table in many meetings. Various studies have indicated that companies with a higher share of women in management positions achieve better financial performance. That makes perfect sense to me as more viewpoints are represented around the table in diverse teams. This will invariably lead to better and more well-thought-out decision-making.

Why do you believe fewer women than men occupy management roles?
Speaking as a woman in a leadership position, it takes a real master plan (as well as lots of good friends, neighbours, family and a social network) to successfully balance a career, family life and raising children. It’s extremely demanding and isn’t feasible for everyone. There are not enough female role models and the profile of women in management roles isn’t high enough.

“Upbringing is a key factor”

Why do you believe fewer women than men occupy management roles?
Family upbringing is a key factor in my view as it shapes our character and belief system. It’s important for girls to experience and see at an early age that all opportunities are open to them.

What can employers do to help?
It’s crucial that employers lead by example by showing that equal opportunities are available to everyone. Personally speaking, I don’t make any distinction between the genders – our team consists mainly of women, even though we operate in an industry perceived to be male-dominated.

“Men need to listen more”

How much progress has been made in Switzerland in terms of gender equality?
I believe we’ve made progress over recent years. But the situation still isn’t perfect. In traditionally male-dominated professions like mine, women still have to work harder to gain respect.

If you had one wish for Women’s Day, what would it be?
Men need to listen to women more. Far too often women who have been victims of violence are not taken seriously in the public domain and are shamed rather than protected.

“There are still pay disparities”

Have you ever been treated unequally in your professional life because of your gender?
No, as an agronomist I’ve never suffered unequal treatment. In fact equal pay has always been a priority issue. My employer IP-Suisse already made it possible for both men and women with small children to work from home 15 years ago.

Why do you believe fewer women than men occupy management roles?
Childcare is not available everywhere, especially in rural areas. That means you have to arrange it yourself, a task which usually falls to mums. Some women prefer to spend more time with their families and opt to pass up the opportunity to pursue a career.

If you had one wish for Women’s Day, what would it be?
Great progress has been made in Switzerland, but there are still disparities in terms of pay and role models. My hope is that equality will soon not even be an issue because it simply goes without saying.

“Many men want to work part-time”

How do you organise the allocation of work and family responsibilities in your family?
My wife and I both work part-time, and we both spend one day a week looking after our son. On the other days, he goes to a nursery or to his grandparents.

Is balancing work and family life primarily an issue for women?
No, achieving a good work-life balance is a major challenge for both mums and dads. Lots of men want to work part-time so they can help out with the housework and childcare, but not all companies provide flexible working models.

Have you ever been discriminated against due to your gender?
No, not yet. However, as a man I feel the pressure from companies to achieve their quota targets in terms of management positions.

“Men are still expected to be strong”

Do men and women have the same opportunities and rights in Switzerland in your view?
I believe equality has been achieved in theory, but in practice I still see discrepancies. On average, women often earn less than men for similar work.

What’s easier today – being a young man or a young woman?
Both genders face their own challenges – society still expects men to be strong and assertive. When men are struggling, they find it harder to get support. Women, on the other hand, are at greater risk of being harassed.

Is equality an important issue in your personal environment?
No, not really.

Which family model would you like to adopt later in life?
I envisage my partner and I both working at a 60% level of employment and taking it in turns to look after our children.

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