
Portrait of Nithujan Prathapan

Working in the Migros Group

How Nithujan went from being a business economist to an IT specialist

Nithujan Prathapan, 31, from Rotkreuz in the Canton of Zug, studied Business Economics at the University of St. Gallen. Now, he’s undertaking further training at Migros to become an IT specialist. What motivates him, and what he finds challenging about this process.

Barbara Scherer
Daniel Grieser

You studied to be a business economist, so why are you now in IT?

“Because I like change. And it’s not as if I spend the entire day sitting in front of a PC or writing code. IT has a lot more to offer. For instance, I handle the interface between business and IT. The world is becoming more and more networked, which also brings challenges for companies: it requires new ideas and innovations that are aligned with the desires of their customers.” 

What is the biggest challenge in this regard?

“Whenever things get highly technical. To start with, I need a certain amount of time to make sure that I've understood the nature of the problem, what the problem is. But that doesn’t scare me away: it makes it more fun when I have to learn something new.”

And what is your personal success?

“That I have learned to work well with so many different people and teams. At first, I wanted to take on too much alone. But now I’ve learned how to reach my goal efficiently and effectively and to take the needs of others seriously as part of this.”

So, why are you undertaking this training program at Migros, of all places?

“Migros meets my personal requirements. This is where the forward thinking at Migros is incredibly apparent. There are flexible working times and options to work from home. Also, there are clear values and everyone is working towards the same goal. Plus, I'm not just a number here. I’m taken seriously as a person, and I can continue to develop myself. I also like that you can learn about a new division every six months within the two-year training course.”

Are you thinking about joining the Migros Group? You can look forward to these benefits.

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