
Transparent and extensive

About our sustainability reporting

A truck driver hands out a paper

Transparency is our top priority, which is why we disclose our progress towards greater sustainability once a year in accordance with the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Our sustainability reporting also complies with the disclosure requirements of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct.

Reporting in accordance with the GRI

The Migros Group’s sustainability reporting is an integral part of the sustainability content on our website. By implementing it, we are responding to our stakeholders’ desire for continual and transparent communication of our progress. We also summarise selected highlights from the reporting year in the Annual Report each year.

We report in accordance with the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). The GRI Index is updated once a year, at the same time as the Annual Report is published. The GRI-relevant content and key figures for the reporting year are shown on our respective thematic websites and are clearly linked in the GRI Index.

  • Publication period and contact point

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    Publication period

    Sustainability reporting covers the period from 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024. We publish our sustainability report annually in the first quarter of the following year, retrospectively for the previous financial year. 

    Contact point

    Contact point for questions regarding the Migros Group’s sustainability reporting: Federation of Migros Cooperatives (FMC), Sustainability and Economic Policy department of the Migros Group:

    • Limits of sustainability reporting

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      In principle, sustainability reporting covers the entire Migros Group. Where there are deviations from this principle, we point this out. For certain topics, the focus is on cooperative retail (core business). The corporate units included in sustainability reporting largely correspond to the consolidation scope for financial reporting. Where the entire Migros Group is not yet covered, the gaps will be gradually closed over the next few years.

      Harmonisation of reporting on financial and sustainability entities planned from 2025 onwards

      A detailed list of the differences between the entities included in financial reporting and the entities covered in sustainability reporting is currently still being compiled. It is also not yet possible to provide information on the process of consolidating the information for the 2024 reporting year, as this is currently handled differently depending on the topic due to the complexity of the company. There are plans to harmonise the methodology from 2025 onwards and report it accordingly.

      • Changes in reporting compared to the previous year

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        In light of the revision of the Sustainability Strategy in 2025 and business changes within the Migros Group, some goals will no longer be pursued.

        Adjustment of multi-year key figures if required

        In the tables with multi-year key figures, the previous year’s key figures are adjusted each year if necessary and material. Reasons for the adjustments may be changes in the consolidation scope (e.g. acquisitions or disposals of companies) or improvements in the methodology used to compile the figures.

        Introduction of a systematic methodology for adjustments

        A Group-wide and systematic methodology for handling adjustments and their effects in all sustainability reporting is currently being developed and is expected to be applied and published from the 2025 reporting year onwards.

        • External audit

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          Sustainability reporting is prepared by the Sustainability and Economic Policy department of the Migros Group within the Federation of Migros Cooperatives (FMC). No external audit of sustainability reporting took place in 2024.

          OECD reporting

          The transparency requirement arising from the implementation of the OECD Guidelines has been part of our sustainability reporting since the 2023 financial year. By applying the OECD guidance, we are fulfilling our duty of care and ensuring that we minimise social and environmental risks as far as possible.

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