GRI explained in brief
GRI reporting
GRI index

Our sustainability reporting is based on the globally recognised standards of the Global Reporting Initiative, or GRI for short. This initiative was created in 1997 by the United Nations Environment Programme. By complying with these standards, we aim to report on sustainability as transparently, comparably and holistically as possible. The GRI standards help us to systematically disclose our impact on people and the environment as well as our strategic approach to managing these topics. At the same time, the standards support us in ensuring our progress is measurable.
GRI explained in brief
GRI explained in brief
The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) provides comprehensive standards ...
... that help organisations to produce comparable sustainability reports.
GRI explained in brief
GRI takes a holistic approach to sustainable business, which means that it covers environmental, social and economic aspects as well as essential company information and responsible corporate governance.
GRI explained in brief
The GRI standards are recognised and used worldwide.
GRI explained in brief
The aim of GRI is to ensure comparability between companies’ sustainability reports at the global level.
This is achieved by making it mandatory for all companies to provide key information – regardless of their sector.
GRI explained in brief
GRI’s Topic Standards
With what are known as the GRI’s Topic Standards, individual companies only report on those areas of sustainability over which they have a significant influence.
GRI explained in brief
It’s very important to us that we report transparently and professionally on our work and our progress in the area of sustainability, which is why we have been using the international GRI standards for almost 20 years.
GRI explained in brief
Our reporting according to GRI standards
Scroll down to the GRI Index for more details.
Open, transparent and comparable
The Migros Group hereby reports in accordance with the GRI Standards for the period 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024.
For GRI 1, the standard “GRI 1: Foundation 2021” was used. No GRI Sector Standards were applied. We have taken the German version as our basis.
For GRI 2 (General Disclosures), GRI 3 (Material Topics) and the Topic Standards, we used the latest version available as of August 2024.
GRI reporting also covers the reporting obligations from the OECD Guidance. Find out more at «OECD and human rights».
General Disclosures
The organisation and its reporting practices
GRI number and name
Migros Group disclosure
2-1: Organisational profile
2-2: Entities included in the organisation’s sustainability reporting
2-3: Reporting period, frequency and contact point
About the Sustainability Report
The 2024 Sustainability Report was published on 25 March 2025.2-4: Restatements of information
2-5: External assurance
Activities and workers
GRI number and name
Migros Group disclosure
2-6: Activities, value chain and other business relationships
Value-added chain
(see download PDF below)Alliances
Omitted with justification “Information not available/incomplete”: the diversity and complexity of the Migros Group make it difficult to present a uniform business model. We are working on gradually expanding and supplementing the information for future reports.2-7: Employees
Key personnel figures
Omitted with justification “Information not available/incomplete”: the Group-wide data collection on temporary employees is currently underway. We expect to be able to report initial key figures in this regard from the 2026/27 financial year onwards.2-8: Workers who are not employees
Omitted with justification “Information not available/incomplete”: the Group-wide data collection on employees who are not salaried employees is currently underway. We expect to be able to report initial key figures in this regard from the 2026/27 financial year onwards.
GRI number and name
Migros Group disclosure
2-9: Governance structure and composition
Overview of the governance structure
Composition of the Assembly of Delegates
2-10: Nomination and selection of the highest governance body
2-11: Chair of the highest governance body
2-12: Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts
2-13: Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts
2-14: Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reporting
2-15: Conflicts of interest
2-16: Communication of critical concerns
2-17: Collective knowledge of the highest governance body
2-18: Evaluation of the performance of the highest governance body
2-19: Remuneration policies
Governance, development and remuneration at the Migros Group
2-20: Process to determine remuneration
2-21: Annual total compensation ratio
Remuneration Report
Omitted with justification “Information not available/incomplete”: there is currently no Group-wide data available (yet) on key figure b.Strategy, policies and practices
GRI number and name
Migros Group disclosure
2-22: Statement on sustainable development strategy
Migros Group sustainability strategy
Omitted with justification “Information not available/incomplete”: due to the further development of the Group-wide sustainability strategy and personnel changes in relevant management functions, a personal statement of use on the relevance of sustainable development for the organisation is not expected to be published until the 2024 reporting year.2-23: Policy commitments
2-24: Embedding policy commitments
2-25: Processes to remediate negative impacts
2-26: Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concerns
2-27: Compliance with laws and regulations
Omitted with justification “Information not available/incomplete”: there is currently no Group-wide data available for this key figure.
2-28: Membership associations
Stakeholder engagement
GRI number and name
Migros Group disclosure
2-29: Approach to stakeholder engagement
2-30: Collective bargaining agreements
Personnel policy – Migros national collective labour agreement (L-GAV)
Personnel policy – Denner
Swiss labour law applies to all Migros Group employees in Switzerland who are not subject to a national collective labour agreement (L-GAV). We currently have no information on collective agreements of Migros Group companies abroad.
Material topics
GRI 3: Material topics
GRI number and name
Migros Group disclosure
3-1: Process to determine material topics
3-2: List of material topics
3-3: Management of material topics
See “Topic management disclosures” for each Topic Standard
Economy topic standards
GRI 203: Indirect economic impacts
GRI number and name
Migros Group disclosure
OECD chapter assignment
203: Topic management disclosures
Human rights
203-1: Infrastructure investments and services supported
Human rights
203-2: Significant indirect economic impacts
Human rights
GRI 204: Procurement practices
GRI number and name
Migros Group disclosure
OECD chapter assignment
204: Topic management disclosures
Human rights
204-1: Proportion of spending on local suppliers
Omitted with justification “Information not available/incomplete”: there is currently no Group-wide data available for this key figure.
Human rights
GRI 205: Anti-corruption
GRI number and name
Migros Group disclosure
OECD chapter assignment
205: Topic management disclosures
205-1: Operations assessed for risks related to corruption
Omitted with justification “Information not available/incomplete”: at present, the relevant data is not collected across the board. A Group-wide survey of the information is planned as the reporting matures.
205-2: Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures
Internal Control Instruments
205-3: Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken
Internal Control Instruments
Environmental topic standards
GRI 301: Materials
GRI number and name
Migros Group disclosure
OECD chapter assignment
301: Topic management disclosures
301-1: Materials used by weight or volume
301-2: Recycled input materials used
301-3: Reclaimed products and their packaging materials
GRI 302: Energy
GRI number and name
Migros Group disclosure
OECD chapter assignment
302: Topic management disclosures
302-1: Energy consumption within the organisation
302-2: Energy consumption outside of the organisation
Key figures on climate and energy
Omitted with justification “Information not available/incomplete”: no Group-wide data is available. Outside the organisation, we focus on measuring greenhouse gas emissions as part of our SBTi target. Energy consumption is not calculated or estimated separately.Environment
302-3: Energy intensity
302-4: Reduction of energy consumption
302-5: Reduction in energy requirements of products and services
Key figures on climate and energy
Omitted with justification “Information not available/incomplete”: no Group-wide data is available. For our products and services, the focus of our SBTi target is on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The change in energy consumption is not recorded or estimated separately.Environment
GRI 303: Water and effluents
GRI number and name
Migros Group disclosure
OECD chapter assignment
303: Topic management disclosures
303-1: Interactions with water as a shared resource
Omitted with justification “Information not available/incomplete”: the Group-wide strategy on biodiversity and water is currently still being developed, and we expect to be able to publish initial information and data from the 2025 reporting year onwards.
303-2: Management of water discharge-related impacts
Omitted with justification “Information not available/incomplete”: the Group-wide strategy on biodiversity and water is currently still being developed, and we expect to be able to publish initial information and data from the 2025 reporting year onwards.
303-3: Water withdrawal
Omitted with justification “Information not available/incomplete”: the Group-wide strategy on biodiversity and water is currently still being developed, and we expect to be able to publish initial information and data from the 2025 reporting year onwards.
303-4: Water discharge
Omitted with justification “Information not available/incomplete”: the Group-wide strategy on biodiversity and water is currently still being developed, and we expect to be able to publish initial information and data from the 2025 reporting year onwards.
303-5: Water consumption
Omitted with justification “Information not available/incomplete”: the Group-wide strategy on biodiversity and water is currently still being developed, and we expect to be able to publish initial information and data from the 2025 reporting year onwards.
GRI 304: Biodiversity
GRI number and name
Migros Group disclosure
OECD chapter assignment
304: Topic management disclosures
304-1: Operational sites owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas
Omitted with justification “Information not available/incomplete”: the Group-wide strategy on biodiversity and water is currently still being developed, and we expect to be able to publish initial information and data from the 2025 reporting year onwards.
304-2: Significant impacts of activities, products and services on biodiversity
Omitted with justification “Information not available/incomplete”: the Group-wide strategy on biodiversity and water is currently still being developed, and we expect to be able to publish initial information and data from the 2025 reporting year onwards.
304-3: Habitats protected or restored
Omitted with justification “Information not available/incomplete”: the Group-wide strategy on biodiversity and water is currently still being developed, and we expect to be able to publish initial information and data from the 2025 reporting year onwards.
304-4: IUCN Red List species and national conservation list species with habitats in areas affected by operations
Omitted with justification “Information not available/incomplete”: the Group-wide strategy on biodiversity and water is currently still being developed, and we expect to be able to publish initial information and data from the 2025 reporting year onwards.
GRI 305: Emissions
GRI number and name
Migros Group disclosure
OECD chapter assignment
305: Topic management disclosures
305-1: Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions
305-2: Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions
305-3: Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions
305-4: GHG emissions intensity
305-5: Reduction of GHG emissions
305-6: Emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS)
305-7: Nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx) and other significant air emissions
GRI 306: Waste
GRI number and name
Migros Group disclosure
OECD chapter assignment
306: Topic management disclosures
306-1: Waste generation and significant waste-related impacts
306-2: Management of significant waste-related impacts
306-3: Waste generated
306-4: Waste diverted from disposal
306-5: Waste directed to disposal
GRI 308: Supplier Environmental Assessment
GRI number and name
Migros Group disclosure
OECD chapter assignment
308: Topic management disclosures
308-1: New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria
Omitted with justification “Information not available/incomplete”: there is currently no Group-wide data available. A corresponding data collection system is being established with the introduction of amfori BEPI.
308-2: Negative environmental impacts in the supply chain and actions taken
Omitted with justification “Information not available/incomplete”: there is currently no Group-wide data available. A corresponding data collection system is being established with the introduction of amfori BEPI.
Social topic standards
GRI 401: Employment
GRI number and name
Migros Group disclosure
OECD chapter assignment
401: Topic management disclosures
Employment & social partnership
401-1: New employee hires and employee turnover
Key personnel figures
Omitted with justification “Information not available/incomplete”: the Group-wide data collection on the number of new hires is currently underway. We expect to be able to report initial key figures in this regard from the 2026/27 financial year onwards.Employment & social partnership
401-2: Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees
Company benefits – CLA-covered employees
Company benefits – Denner
Definition of “important operating sites”: operating sites in Switzerland with Migros CLA or Travel CLA and Denner locations.Employment & social partnership
401-3: Parental leave
Omitted with justification “Information not available/incomplete”: the Group-wide data collection on parental leave is currently underway. We expect to be able to report initial key figures in this regard from the 2026/27 financial year onwards.
Employment & social partnership
GRI 403: Occupational health and safety
GRI number and name
Migros Group disclosure
OECD chapter assignment
403: Topic management disclosures
Employment & social partnership
403-1: Occupational health and safety management system
Employment & social partnership
403-2: Hazard identification, risk assessment and incident investigation
Employment & social partnership
403-3: Occupational health services
Employment & social partnership
403-4: Worker participation, consultation, and communication on occupational health and safety
Employment & social partnership
403-5: Worker training on occupational health and safety
Employment & social partnership
403-6: Promotion of worker health
Employment & social partnership
403-7: Prevention and mitigation of occupational health and safety impacts directly linked by business relationships
Employment & social partnership
403-8: Workers covered by an occupational health and safety management system
Omitted with justification “Information not available/incomplete”: group-wide data collection is currently underway. We expect to be able to report initial key figures in this regard from the 2026 financial year onwards.
Employment & social partnership
403-9: Work-related injuries
Absences statistics
Omitted with justification “Information not available/incomplete”: Group-wide data collection to differentiate the severity of injuries is currently underway. We expect to be able to report initial key figures in this regard from the 2026/27 financial year onwards.Employment & social partnership
403-10: Work-related ill health
Employment & social partnership
GRI 405: Diversity and equal opportunity
GRI number and name
Migros Group disclosure
OECD chapter assignment
405: Topic management disclosures
Employment & social partnership
405-1: Diversity of governance bodies and employees
Diversity in the Assembly of Delegates
Employment & social partnership
405-2: Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men
Remuneration policy Omitted with justification “Limitations due to a duty of confidentiality”: in order to guarantee a non-discriminatory pay system, all companies in Switzerland with more than one hundred employees are required by law to carry out an equal pay analysis. This analysis is carried out at individual company level. For reasons of confidentiality, we currently only have Group-wide salary data without further personal characteristics, which is why Group-wide data collection is not possible.
Employment & social partnership
GRI 406: Non-discrimination
GRI number and name
Migros Group disclosure
OECD chapter assignment
406: Topic management disclosures
Employment & social partnership
406-1: Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken
Employment & social partnership
GRI 407: Freedom of association and collective bargaining
GRI number and name
Migros Group disclosure
OECD chapter assignment
407: Topic management disclosures
Employment & social partnership
407-1: Operations and suppliers in which the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at risk
Employment & social partnership
GRI 408: Child labour
GRI number and name
Migros Group disclosure
OECD chapter assignment
408: Topic management disclosures
Own employees – personnel policy
Social standards at our suppliers
Social impact of the cultivation of agricultural raw materials
Employment & social partnership
408-1: Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of child labour
Own employees – personnel policy
Social standards at our suppliers
Social impact of the cultivation of agricultural raw materials
Employment & social partnership
GRI 409: Forced or compulsory labour
GRI number and name
Migros Group disclosure
OECD chapter assignment
409: Topic management disclosures
Own employees – personnel policy
Social standards at our suppliers
Social impact of the cultivation of agricultural raw materials
Employment & social partnership
409-1: Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labour
Own employees – personnel policy
Social standards at our suppliers
Social impact of the cultivation of agricultural raw materials
Employment & social partnership
GRI 414: Supplier Social Assessment
GRI number and name
Migros Group disclosure
OECD chapter assignment
414: Topic management disclosures
Human rights
414-1: New suppliers that were screened using social criteria
Human rights
414-2: Negative social impacts in the supply chain and actions taken
Human rights
GRI 416: Customer health and safety
GRI number and name
Migros Group disclosure
OECD chapter assignment
416: Topic management disclosures
Consumer interests
416-1: Assessment of the health and safety impacts of product and service categories
Omitted with justification “Information not available/incomplete”: the collection of Group-wide data on product safety is currently still underway. We expect to be able to publish initial key figures for the 2025 reporting year.
Consumer interests
416-2: Incidents of non-compliance concerning the health and safety impacts of products and services
Omitted with justification “Information not available/incomplete”: the collection of Group-wide data on product safety is currently still underway. We expect to be able to publish initial key figures for the 2025 reporting year.
Consumer interests
GRI 417: Marketing and labeling
GRI number and name
Migros Group disclosure
OECD chapter assignment
417: Topic management disclosures
Consumer interests
417-1: Requirements for product and service information and labeling
Product labelling
Omitted with justification “Information not available/incomplete”: the collection of Group-wide data on product labelling is currently still underway. We expect to be able to publish initial key figures for the 2025 reporting year.Consumer interests
417-2: Incidents of non-compliance concerning product and service information and labeling
Omitted with justification “Information not available/incomplete”: the collection of Group-wide data on product labelling is currently still underway. We expect to be able to publish initial key figures for the 2025 reporting year.
Consumer interests
417-3: Incidents of non-compliance concerning marketing communications
Omitted with justification “Information not available/incomplete”: the collection of Group-wide data is currently still underway. We expect to be able to publish initial key figures for the 2025 reporting year.
Consumer interests
GRI 418: Customer privacy
GRI number and name
Migros Group disclosure
OECD chapter assignment
418: Topic management disclosures
Consumer interests
418-1: Substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data
Omitted with justification “Information not available/incomplete”: at present, relevant data is collected on a case-by-case basis. A Group-wide survey of the information is planned as the reporting matures.
Consumer interests
We are committed every single day
We are committed to greater sustainability in all areas. Find out what progress we have made so far in our stories.
All StoriesSustainability
Migros banks on Swiss wheat
Despite a poor harvest due to a wet 2024, Migros still managed to use only Swiss wheat in its processes.
Circular economy
Plastic collection – how does it work?
How does Recybag work and what will happen to Migros plastic collection bags? We explain.
Work environment
Why does Migros have an office in Hong Kong?
About 85 people work for Migros in a high-rise building in the heart of Hong Kong. What exactly they do there.
Collect plastic instead of throwing it away
Give plastic packaging a new life – with the plastic collection bags.
Eco-friendly greenhouses
Migros is promoting a rapid move to heating greenhouses without the use of fossil fuels.
Climate & energy
Charge your car while shopping
We’re improving the situation for drivers of electric cars by creating 2,000 new Migrol charging points over the next few years.
Climate & energy
How our biscuits warm living rooms
Meilen heats houses, apartment blocks and offices using waste heat from the local Migros factory.
Social standards
Education for a brighter future
By purchasing certain textiles, customers are supporting the Migros Kids School.
Sustainable products
How green is your Christmas tree?
We find out how eco-friendly Christmas trees are. Our findings are surprisingly positive.
Sustainable journeys
Environmentally friendly delivery to Migros thanks to gas-powered lorries, rail transport and green electricity.
Climate & energy
What is the climate contribution used for?
You can make a contribution to climate protection at Migros Online and in pilot stores. What is it used for?
Will olives soon grow in Switzerland?
Temperatures are rising. But what does that mean for our agriculture? We take a look at the fields of the future.