
Our alliances

Achieving objectives together

Two people stand in a nature reserve and look into the distance.

We find it exciting to bring about change together, which is why we work with a wide range of partners to promote sustainable development. We do not just want to watch, we want to be an active part of social, political and ecological processes.

What we have achieved together

  • Progress in the network

    Our success stories

    Together with our partners, we are actively involved in a number of areas. We present some of the areas here.

Memberships and partnerships

The shift towards greater sustainability is a huge task that we can tackle better with our allies. That is why we are active as a partner or member in selected national and international organisations, associations, initiatives, interest groups and networks. Together, we are committed to sustainability and have already achieved a great deal.

  • Advisory Commission on Agriculture (ACA)

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    The Advisory Commission on Agriculture (ACA) is an advisory body to the Federal Council and the Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG).

    The ACA is made up of representatives from agriculture, the food industry and food trade, consumer organisations, the cantons and environmental organisations.

    We are represented on the Commission.

    Member: Jürg Maurer, Deputy Head of Economic Policy Directorate, Federation of Migros Cooperatives

    • Consumer Goods Forum (CGF)

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      The Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) is a global network of the consumer goods industry. Founded in 2009, the CGF brings together managing directors and executives from around 400 retail, service and industrial companies from more than 70 countries.

      The CGF is a platform for discussions on common topics and problem areas, from food safety to logistics and IT to environmental issues. We are represented in various committees and working groups.

      • EspaceSuisse

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        EspaceSuisse is the Swiss Association for Spatial Planning. It sees itself as an information and discussion platform for cantons, municipalities and private individuals on spatial planning and environmental issues. The association is committed to the sustainable development of Switzerland as a living space.

        It promotes networking between the various actors in the field of spatial development. These include the federal, cantonal and municipal authorities, economic and environmental organisations, municipal and professional associations, universities, and higher-education institutions.

        • Federal Commission for Nutrition (FCN)

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          The Federal Commission for Nutrition (FCN) is an advisory body to the Federal Council and the Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office (FSVO).

          The FCN is made up of representatives from the education and research sector of nutrition and food science and nutritional medicine, the food industry and trade, as well as consumer organisations.

          We are represented on the Commission.

          Member: Gabi Buchwalder, Project Manager Economic Policy Directorate, Federation of Migros Cooperatives

          • Federal Commission for Consumer Affairs (FCC)

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            The Federal Commission for Consumer Affairs (FCC) is an advisory body to the Federal Council and the departments on consumer policy issues. The FCC is made up of representatives of consumers, business and academia.

            We are represented on the Commission.

            Member: Gabi Buchwalder, Project Manager Economic Policy Directorate, Federation of Migros Cooperatives

            • Federation of Swiss Food Industries (fial)

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              The Federation of Swiss Food Industries (fial) is an amalgamation of Swiss food industry associations whose purpose is to uphold the shared economic and political interests of the affiliated industries and their member companies.

              We have been a fial member for many years and are represented on the Food Commission, for example.

              • Interessengemeinschaft Detailhandel Schweiz (Retail Trade Association of Switzerland)

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                Interessengemeinschaft Detailhandel Schweiz (Retail Trade Association of Switzerland) has been committed to the concerns of the industry in politics and the public since 2006.

                The core issues of the Retail Trade Association are the dismantling of price-driving trade barriers and partnership-based solutions in the areas of food safety, environment, energy, recycling, littering and goods traffic.

                • Sustainable Supply Chain Initiative (SSCI)

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                  The Sustainable Supply Chain Initiative (SSCI) is an initiative within the Consumer Goods Forum (CGF). Its aim is to make existing standards and initiatives in the area of socially responsible working conditions in supply chains comparable.

                  The SSCI is intended to lead to greater transparency in the market, facilitate the decision-making process for buyers and suppliers and prevent duplicate certifications. The SSCI has replaced the Global Social Compliance Programme (GSCP) initiative since 2017. In a second step, the SSCI also wants to include environmental standards in the analysis.

                  • "Quality Strategy of the Swiss Agricultural and Food Industry" association

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                    Representatives from the agriculture and food industry are involved in a core group of Quality Strategy of the Swiss Agricultural and Food Industry for actions and projects within the value chain.

                    The members are committed to the production of sustainable, animal-friendly and high-quality food. The Quality Strategy is currently dealing with the added-value strategy, which the individual sectors are implementing.

                    We have been represented in the core group of the Quality Strategy since 2012 and have signed the quality charter.

                    Board member: Gabi Buchwalder, Project Manager Economic Policy Directorate

                    • The Sorten für morgen (“Species for the future”) association

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                      The “Species for the future” association, founded in 2020, is committed to a differentiated and open debate on new plant breeding methods. It is important to its members from agriculture, research, retail, consumer organisations and the food industry that the Swiss agriculture and food industry is also able to respond to future challenges (climate change, reduction of pesticide use) with adapted plant varieties.

                      Member of the executive committee: Gabi Buchwalder, Project Manager Economic Policy Directorate

                      • WWF Switzerland

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                        WWF Switzerland is the largest environmental organisation in Switzerland and is structured as a non-profit foundation. Its goal is to stop the global destruction of the environment and, together with the stakeholders involved, to shape a future in which people and nature live together in harmony.

                        Migros has maintained a strategic partnership with WWF Switzerland since 2009. This partnership was extended to the Migros Group in 2023. We have set ourselves common goals in the areas of climate, deforestation and feeding the planet. 

                        • öbu – the association for sustainable business

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                          öbu – the association for sustainable business sees sustainability as an integral part of corporate strategy, which secures the long-term competitiveness of the Swiss economy and the future of coming generations.

                          öbu works with business and politics to implement projects and promote the exchange of experience among members. Over 300 Swiss companies of all sizes and orientations have joined the öbu network.

                          We were one of the founding members in 1989 and regularly take part in events.

                          Product range and services

                          • aha! Swiss Allergy Centre

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                            The aha! Swiss Allergy Centre is an independent foundation and a centre of excellence in the field of allergies and intolerances.

                            With our aha! product line, we offer a wide range of products for daily use, focussing on products suitable for people with a lactose or gluten intolerance. The aha! product range is independently certified, and we are expanding it constantly. The certification processes are based on strict guidelines that are applied to monitor production, labelling and distribution, and go beyond the statutory requirements.

                            We meet regularly with the aha! Swiss Allergy Centre.

                            • amfori BSCI

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                              The amfori business association aims to improve ecological and, in particular, social conditions (ESG) along the supply chain. As a founding member of amfori, we require all suppliers to comply with the minimum social requirements.

                              The basis for this is the amfori BSCI Code of Conduct. amfori BSCI has become one of the most important social standards for supply chains in recent years.

                              We are a member of the national amfori contact group in Switzerland. On an international level, we are actively involved in various thematic working groups on ESG.

                              Member of the executive committee of the Swiss contact group: Marius Lang, Head of Social Standards, Federation of Migros Cooperatives

                              • amfori BEPI

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                                The Business Environmental Performance Initiative (BEPI) is an amfori initiative that provides transparency on business environmental performance in global supply chains.
                                amfori BEPI provides the Migros Group with a practical framework that can help all product sectors in at-risk countries to reduce their environmental impact, business risks and costs through improved environmental practices.

                                • FOEN Peat Working Group

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                                  The Federal Office for the Environment, or FOEN, has a mandate to ensure the sustainable use of natural resources such as soil, water, air, tranquillity and forests. The federal government is therefore also working with industry players to promote peat reduction. Peat extraction causes environmental damage in terms of climate and biodiversity. Peat may not be extracted from Swiss moors, which have been protected since 1987; however, large quantities of peat are imported every year.

                                  We are participating in the federal government’s peat phase-out concept and have been in direct contact with the FOEN since 2017; however, we were already active in this regard before the federal government’s initiative and have been selling exclusively peat-free bagged soil since 2013. We are also committed to peat reduction in potting soil for ornamental plants. In 2022, we also signed the declaration of intent for peat reduction in vegetables and herbs.

                                  • Farmers’ associations

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                                    Formal annual meetings are held regularly with the most important agricultural associations, such as the Swiss Farmers’ Union (SFU), Suisseporcs (Swiss Pig Breeders’ and Pig Producers’ Association) and the Swiss Calf Fatteners’ Association (SKMV). These meetings supplement the topic-related contacts during the year.

                                    We work closely with partners such as IP-Suisse, Bio Suisse, etc. to continuously improve animal welfare in the label programmes.

                                    • Better Cotton Initiative (BCI)

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                                      We are working with the Better Cotton Initiative to improve cotton farming globally. We are committed to sourcing 75% of our cotton as “more sustainable cotton” by 2025. “More sustainable cotton” refers to the following standards: Better Cotton, Recycled Cotton and Organic Cotton. Better Cotton is sourced through a mass balance system and is not physically separated until the final product.

                                      • bluesign

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                                        Based on a holistic approach, bluesign® follows the path of each individual textile product along its production process and makes improvements at every stage – from production to the end product. bluesign® stands for maximum safety for consumers, products with a minimal impact on people and the environment, and responsible use of resources. SportX is a bluesign system partner.

                                        • Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office (FSVO)

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                                          The Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office (FSVO) is the government’s centre of excellence for food safety, nutrition, animal health and animal protection.

                                          We have been cooperating closely with the FSVO for many years – currently on reducing sugar in accordance with the Milan Declaration, for example.

                                          • COMMUNITY CATCH

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                                            We support the Community Catch initiative to promote small-scale fisheries and small-scale fishing communities. Among other things, Community Catch works on the participatory development of adequate evaluation platforms and improvement programs that lead to better market integration of sustainable small-scale fisheries.

                                            • Cooperation for assuring defined standards for shoe and leather goods production (cads)

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                                              cads deals with the issue of harmful substances in shoes and, together with its members, campaigns for the avoidance of risky substances. It supports the manufacture and marketing of shoes and shoe materials that are free of harmful substances as well as environmentally friendly production.

                                              • Ginetex

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                                                We are a member of the board of GINETEX Switzerland, the Swiss working group for textile labelling, which is responsible for care and raw material labelling. We take part in several executive committee meetings and general assemblies every year.

                                                Member of the executive committee: Stephan Schubert, Quality Assurance Specialist Non Food, Federation of Migros Cooperatives

                                                • Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI)

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                                                  We are a founding member of the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI). The aim of the GFSI is to promote and sustainably ensure food safety for consumers worldwide. In the spirit of continuous improvement, the GFSI strives to harmonise existing systems and standards throughout the global supply chain in order to reduce controls.

                                                  To ensure food safety, we adhere to the internationally recognised Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI). Most domestic and foreign Migros suppliers of processed food and our own industrial operations are certified to a standard recognised by GFSI.

                                                  • GlobalG.A.P / GlobalG.A.P GRASP

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                                                    GlobalG.A.P. (Good Agricultural Practices) is an internationally recognised standard for good agricultural production. It includes requirements for food safety, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, and animal welfare. Migros has required its suppliers of fruit, vegetables, flowers and plants to comply with GlobalG.A.P., or SwissGAP in Switzerland, since 1999. The additional standard GRASP (Risk Assessment on Social Practices) examines a range of requirements relating to working conditions, such as legally compliant wages, minimum age, correct employment contracts, etc.

                                                    Member of the GlobalG.A.P. GRASP Technical Committee: André Radlinsky, Specialist Standards & Social Compliance, Federation of Migros Cooperatives

                                                    We are Vice-Chair of the GRASP Technical Committee and are also a member of the new sustainability working group.

                                                    • Insolight

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                                                      Insolight develops dynamic agrivoltaic solutions with the aim of offering agriculture a new tool for plant protection. Based on a static structure and translucent modules, the system developed by Insolight enables dynamic adaptation of the light to the needs of the plants.

                                                      In 2022, as a global partner of insolagrin, we launched the sale of the first energy-positive fruits in Switzerland.

                                                      • Agrarstandort Schweiz (IGAS) interest group

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                                                        The Agrarstandort Schweiz (IGAS) (Swiss Agriculture) interest group was founded in 2008. It is a platform of farmers, consumer organisations, retailers and food producers.

                                                        IGAS is committed to sustainable agriculture and deals with various opening scenarios for the Swiss agriculture and food industry. However, it also addresses domestic policy issues if they are relevant with regard to the possible opening of the value chain.

                                                        Member of the executive committee: Jürg Maurer, Deputy Head of Economic Policy, Federation of Migros Cooperatives.

                                                        • Bio Weide-Beef interest group

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                                                          The Bio Weide-Beef interest group for organic pastures and beef was founded in 2000 as an interest group of Bio Suisse farmers with the aim of promoting the production, trade and sale of Bio Weide-Beef.

                                                          The farmers produce cattle and steers – the high-quality organic beef is largely marketed in our channels.

                                                          • The Coeliac Society in German-speaking Switzerland

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                                                            The Coeliac Society in German-speaking Switzerland (IGZ) is a health organisation dedicated to helping people who suffer from coeliac disease (gluten intolerance). The IGZ issues the licence for the gluten-free symbol (crossed-out ear of wheat) in Switzerland.

                                                            We have a licencing agreement with the IGZ and label all our gluten-free own brands with the gluten-free symbol. We also have regular meetings with the IGZ to deal with communication and licensing matters.

                                                            • International Pole and Line Foundation (IPNLF)

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                                                              We have been a member of the International Pole and Line Foundation (IPNLF) since 2012, which promotes pole-and-line fishing, a traditional fishing method that avoids unwanted bycatch, generates good incomes for fishermen and creates jobs.

                                                              In 2013, we became the first retailer in the world to introduce pink canned tuna caught by local fishermen in the Maldives with a pole and line and which is MSC-certified. One in two cans of tuna consumed in Switzerland comes from us. By the end of 2013, the entire own-brand range of pink canned tuna had been converted to “Pole&Line” and in some cases even to MSC.

                                                              In addition, we cooperate regularly with the IPNLF.

                                                              • IP-Suisse

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                                                                IP-Suisse stands for the Association of Integrated Producing Farmers in Switzerland.

                                                                We cooperate with IP-Suisse and have been using the new logo with the ladybird since 2021. Farmers provide added value in the areas of animal welfare, biodiversity and climate.

                                                                • Müller-Thurgau Foundation

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                                                                  The Müller-Thurgau Foundation promotes practical research and development for sustainable, resilient plant-based food systems. The focus is on value chains with special crops and their products (fruits, vegetables, herbs, edible mushrooms, etc.), as they give the agricultural and food industry a perspective in view of the current global challenges.

                                                                  The foundation calls for projects in order to select and support the best projects with competent partners for the development of practical solutions. It is non-profit, independent and practice-oriented, and requires an inclusive approach. We support the foundation’s calls for projects.

                                                                  • Swiss Palm Oil Network

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                                                                    The Swiss Palm Oil Network is the centre of excellence and exchange platform for the actors involved in the value chain. With the Palm Oil Network, important players in the food industry join forces. They want to achieve improvements in palm oil production with a common voice and joint activities.

                                                                    The Palm Oil Network aims to further develop the RSPO standard and improve the enforcement of the RSPO requirements in the supply chains. Members already procure 100% certified and segregated RSPO palm oil through the importers Florin and Nutriswiss. In addition, further criteria that go beyond the current RSPO standard are to be implemented by suppliers. An implementation plan ensures that suppliers continuously improve and that all additional criteria will be met by 2025.

                                                                    We and Migros Industry are members of the Swiss Palm Oil Network.

                                                                    • Retailers' Palm Oil Group (PROG)

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                                                                      The Retailers’ Palm Oil Group (RPOG) is an international and non-competitive association of companies that share the common goal of using sustainable palm oil in their products.

                                                                      RPOG serves as an information and exchange platform for effective measures and common levers to implement sound minimum standards in the market and to test new approaches for the global improvement of supply chains.

                                                                      While less than a quarter of palm oil production worldwide is certified, over 99% of our palm oil already comes from sustainable production.

                                                                      • Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)

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                                                                        Formally founded in 2004 as an association, the Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) is committed to the sustainable production of palm oil.

                                                                        Together with the WWF, we are one of the founding members of RSPO. Since 2016, M-Industry has switched to physically traceable, sustainable palm oil from RSPO-certified plantations. The RSPO guidelines are constantly being revised and tightened.

                                                                        Another important focus of RSPO is to promote the sale of RSPO-certified palm oil worldwide.

                                                                        • Round Table on Responsible Soy Association (RTRS)

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                                                                          On an international level, we have been involved in the Round Table on Responsible Soy (RTRS) association since 2010.

                                                                          This international association of distributors, producers and environmental organisations is committed to the sustainable production of soy worldwide.

                                                                          Four meetings are held annually with the Retailers’ Soy Group.

                                                                          • Swiss Society for Nutrition (SSN)

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                                                                            The Swiss Society for Nutrition (SSN) is the national organisation for nutritional issues. On behalf of the FSVO, it provides clarification to the general public and the industry on all issues relating to balanced diets, based on scientifically substantiated information.

                                                                            We have been a member of the SSN for many years.

                                                                            • Swiss Society for Food Hygiene (SGLH)

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                                                                              The SGLH is an independent society for the implementation of the principles and objectives of food hygiene in the production, processing and distribution of food.

                                                                              In the interests of public health, the society aims to promote food hygiene, study and address corresponding concerns, and encourage an exchange of experiences among its members.

                                                                              • Swiss Platform for Sustainable Cocoa (SWISSCO)

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                                                                                The Swiss Platform for Sustainable Cocoa is committed to greater sustainability in the cocoa production and value chain in order to improve the living conditions of cocoa producers and their families.

                                                                                The alliance’s first milestone is to ensure that 80% of cocoa-containing products imported into Switzerland come from sustainable production by 2025.

                                                                                We are one of the founding members of the platform.

                                                                                Member of the executive committee: Bernhard Kammer, Head of Ecology & Sustainability Labels, Federation of Migros Cooperatives

                                                                                • Swiss Animal Protection (SAP)

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                                                                                  Swiss Animal Protection (SAP) is the oldest nationally active animal protection organisation in Switzerland. As the umbrella organisation of regional animal protection associations in Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein, it raises awareness among animal owners and consumers through broad-based information campaigns, training events and information material for holistic animal protection.

                                                                                  The SAP inspects the slaughterhouses and slaughter animal transports for the labels IP-Suisse, Weide-Beef, Bio Weide-Beef and the Optigal brand offered by us. Furthermore, there is a regular exchange of information on improving animal husbandry in our product range.

                                                                                  • Service Allergie Suisse (SAS)

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                                                                                    Service Allergie Suisse (SAS) is the company that acts as the independent certification body for the aha! allergy seal of quality. It certifies and awards the allergy seal of quality for consumer goods and services that are produced and distributed subject to special consideration of allergy and intolerance issues.

                                                                                    We are in constant dialogue with SAS and have all own-brand products with allergen awards certified by the service.

                                                                                    • Soy Network Switzerland

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                                                                                      Alongside WWF Switzerland, feed importers, the Swiss Farmers’ Union and IP-Suisse, we were one of the founding members of the Swiss Soy Network in 2010.

                                                                                      In May 2016, the members of the network reorganised themselves into an association with the aim of maintaining the proportion of sustainable and GMO-free soy in livestock feed in Switzerland at over 90%.

                                                                                      The expansion of the network’s activities to include other sustainability-relevant feed components is currently being examined.

                                                                                      • STEP – fair trade in handmade carpets

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                                                                                        The STEP label stands for fair trade and good working conditions in the production of handmade carpets.

                                                                                        Micasa has been a member of the organisation since 2022.

                                                                                        • Swiss Folic Acid Foundation

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                                                                                          The Swiss Folic Acid Foundation was established in the year 2000, with the aim of closing the “folic acid gap” in Switzerland so as to reduce cases of birth defects such as spina bifida.

                                                                                          We have been a partner of the Swiss Folic Acid Foundation since its inception and stock numerous products displaying the folic acid label under the Blévita brand.

                                                                                          • Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP)

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                                                                                            We work closely with the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) to assess the sustainability of our products with the M-Check «Fish from responsible sources». In addition to the M-Check rating, the partnership provides us with further sustainability tools, such as a risk assessment of all supply chains with regard to human rights and labour law violations. SFP also organises various supply chain roundtables to develop improvements in certain sectors of fisheries or aquaculture from which Migros benefits directly or indirectly and in which we participate where possible. The Migros Group has been a member of SFP since 2022.

                                                                                            • Swissveg

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                                                                                              Swissveg is the oldest and largest interest group for vegetarians and vegans in Switzerland. Since 1993, Swissveg has been working to permanently reduce the consumption of animal products through politically and denominationally independent public relations work.

                                                                                              The V-Label for labelling vegetarian and vegan products was launched by Swissveg in 1996 to promote a plant-based lifestyle and make it accessible to all.

                                                                                              • Topten

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                                                                                                The platform presents the most energy-efficient products on the Swiss market. Electrical appliances are assessed according to strict criteria. The best are awarded the Topten label. The aim is to promote energy-efficient appliances and reduce energy consumption. This helps to reduce the impact on the environment and climate.

                                                                                                We have been a Topten partner since 2009 and were the first national company to award the Topten logo to primarily energy-efficient appliances. In collaboration with Topten, we promote the sale of energy-efficient appliances and therefore always stock a wide range of them.

                                                                                                Topten also carries out special laboratory tests for Micasa lamps (own brands) in collaboration with the University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons.

                                                                                                • Vegan Society Switzerland

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                                                                                                  Vegan Society Switzerland is a non-profit association that works to promote a vegan lifestyle in Switzerland. Its aim is to put forward fact-based, positive arguments to dispel the prejudices and fears people have regarding a vegan lifestyle and to encourage them to try it out.

                                                                                                  We have been a partner of the association since 2021.

                                                                                                  Climate and energy

                                                                                                  • Energy Agency of the Swiss Private Sector (EnAW)

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                                                                                                    The Energy Agency of the Swiss Private Sector (EnAW) was founded in 1999 by several trade associations. The EnAW supports industrial, commercial and service companies in reducing their CO2 emissions and increasing their energy efficiency.

                                                                                                    Since 2002, we have been working with the EnAW to draw up individual target agreements for its companies. We provide the Confederation and cantons with evidence of target achievement in an annual monitoring process. We also take part in the EnAW’s vehicle and driving efficiency programme.

                                                                                                    We obtain services and provide services for Migros companies together with the EnAW.

                                                                                                    • espace.mobilité

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                                                                                                      espace.mobilité is an interest group of leading Swiss retail companies. It is committed to effective, holistic and sustainable solutions.

                                                                                                      We are a founding member and regularly contribute to issues of spatial planning, transport and environmental policy.

                                                                                                      President: Markus Neukom, Head of Economic Policy, Federation of Migros Cooperatives

                                                                                                      • Group of Large Electricity Customers (GGS)

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                                                                                                        The Group of Large Electricity Customers (GGS) is committed to a secure electricity supply and a competitive electricity market in Switzerland. The GGS bundles and protects the political interests of its members and end consumers in matters of electricity procurement and supply. It represents these interests vis-à-vis the legislator, the authorities, the electricity industry and the public.

                                                                                                        • Swiss interest group of natural gas consumers (IG Erdgas)

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                                                                                                          The Swiss interest group of natural gas consumers (IG Erdgas) is committed to opening up the gas market in Switzerland and to sustainable competition in the gas market. Members of IG Erdgas are mainly large industrial natural gas consumers.

                                                                                                          Member of the executive committee: Roland Stadler, Head of Energy Procurement Department, Federation of Migros Cooperatives

                                                                                                          • Minergie

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                                                                                                            Minergie is a Swiss building standard for new and modernised buildings. The brand is jointly supported by the economy, the cantons and the federal government, and is protected against misuse. We have supported Minergie since 2003 and are actively involved in the standards for supermarkets and restaurants.

                                                                                                            • Mobility

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                                                                                                              We and Mobility – the largest car-sharing company in Switzerland – have maintained a programme partnership since 1998. By way of example, Cumulus points are awarded for Mobility journeys, and many of our companies use Mobility cars for business trips.

                                                                                                              • myclimate

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                                                                                                                In 2017, we launched the M-Climate Fund in collaboration with myclimate.

                                                                                                                The aim of the fund is to implement climate protection projects along the Migros value chain (including at our suppliers).

                                                                                                                Myclimate manages the fund for us. The fund is financed by Migros’ incentive taxes (e.g. for air transport) and climate contributions from our customers.

                                                                                                                • Sustainable Building Network (NNBS)

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                                                                                                                  The Swiss Sustainable Building Network (NNBS) was founded in 2012 with the aim of promoting and coordinating sustainable building in Switzerland.

                                                                                                                  We are one of the founding partners. Our membership of the association expresses our strong commitment to sustainable building. The association brings the players in sustainable building into contact with each other, pools resources and develops pragmatic tools for putting ideas into practice.

                                                                                                                  • Pro Velo Switzerland

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                                                                                                                    The Pro Velo Switzerland association sees itself as an umbrella organisation for the interests of bicycle traffic. Since 2006, the association has been organising the “Bike to work” campaign, which encourages people to cycle to work.

                                                                                                                    Various Migros companies hold one or two “Bike to work” months every year. The aim is to motivate employees to cycle or walk to work. Several hundred Migros employees have been taking part in “Bike to work” every year for around 10 years.

                                                                                                                    • Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi)

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                                                                                                                      In February 2020, we committed to setting ourselves climate protection targets in accordance with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

                                                                                                                      The SBTi is a collaboration between the CDP, UNGC, WRI and WWF, which aims to encourage companies to take science-based climate protection measures in line with the Paris Agreement.

                                                                                                                      • Nature & Economy Foundation

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                                                                                                                        We have been a sponsor of the Nature & Economy Foundation since 2005. The foundation awards its quality label to companies that promote a nature-oriented design of their company premises.

                                                                                                                        By the end of 2023, we will have created 3.8 million square metres of natural habitat for plants and animals at our sites.

                                                                                                                        One example of this is the wild bee paradise with small-scale habitats for endangered wild bee species that was created on a 400-square-metre area at the Surseepark shopping centre. Information boards provide visitors with facts and figures about the busy insects.

                                                                                                                        Member of the Foundation Council: Anna Peters, Project Manager Sustainability, Federation of Migros Cooperatives

                                                                                                                        • Swiss Bicycle Delivery Services (VLD)

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                                                                                                                          Swiss Bicycle Delivery Services (VLD), founded in June 2013, promotes the planning, implementation and operation of sustainable goods delivery services throughout Switzerland, in particular bicycle home delivery services. The association provides the stakeholders with a network offers them services.

                                                                                                                          As a founding member, we represent the VLD members of the retail trade on the executive committee. Around 20 bicycle delivery services or locations are part of the VLD network. A bicycle home delivery service is available at around 40 of our stores and 20 Denner stores.

                                                                                                                          • Association of Independent Energy Producers (VESE)

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                                                                                                                            The Association of Independent Energy Producers (VESE) represents the interests of over 200 participating solar cooperatives, companies and private system owners, mainly in the solar power sector. The association is publicly and politically committed to decentralised, independent energy production.

                                                                                                                            We have been a member of VESE since 2015.


                                                                                                                            • EPEA Switzerland

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                                                                                                                              EPEA Switzerland develops and implements Cradle to Cradle Certified® products and services for companies. With an experienced, internationally oriented and interdisciplinary team, Cradle to Cradle® projects are implemented in all industries worldwide.
                                                                                                                              Scientific analyses are carried out in close cooperation with an accredited assessment body for material health.

                                                                                                                              • Ferro Recycling

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                                                                                                                                Ferro Recycling was founded by leading Swiss companies involved in the manufacture, retail and disposal of sheet steel packaging. This organisation is responsible for the collection and recycling of sheet steel packaging.

                                                                                                                                Other waste disposal organisations

                                                                                                                                We are represented in various recycling organisations:

                                                                                                                                • PET Recycling Switzerland (PRS)

                                                                                                                                • IGORA Cooperative for Aluminium Recycling

                                                                                                                                • Ferro Recycling (sheet steel and tins)

                                                                                                                                • SENS eRecycling Foundation (electrical appliances)

                                                                                                                                • Swiss Lighting Recycling Foundation (SLRS)

                                                                                                                                We are committed to ecological and economical recycling systems and high recycling rates, ensure financing, and participate in various communication activities.

                                                                                                                                We are involved in the organisations as a member of the executive committee, foundation council or board of directors, and take part in several meetings each year.

                                                                                                                                • Interest Group for a Clean Environment (IGSU)

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                                                                                                                                  We are a partner of the Interest Group for a Clean Environment (IGSU) – a platform in the fight against littering. It has been supporting its members and the authorities in numerous projects for cleanliness in public spaces since 2007.

                                                                                                                                  In addition to providing collection infrastructure in the stores and various logistics services, we are involved in voluntary measures that help in the fight against littering.

                                                                                                                                  By way of example, we have previously supported the “space sponsorship” project, where individuals and groups voluntarily take responsibility for a specific space and ensure that these places remain clean and litter-free.

                                                                                                                                  • PET Recycling Switzerland (PRS)

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                                                                                                                                    The PET Recycling Switzerland (PRS) association has been organising the collection of PET beverage bottles in a nationwide disposal network since 1990. The aim is to achieve a national recycling rate of at least 75%. The rate was set by DETEC – the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications. Pleasingly, this rate currently stands at over 81%.

                                                                                                                                    We are a founding member and collect the most PET beverage bottles in the retail trade. We take part in various board meetings every year and support joint projects.

                                                                                                                                    Member of the executive committee: Isabelle Imfeld, Co-Head of Sustainability Migros Group a.i., Federation of Migros Cooperatives

                                                                                                                                    • Swiss Foundation for Environmental Management (PUSCH)

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                                                                                                                                      The Swiss Foundation for Environmental Management (PUSCH) deals in particular with all issues relating to waste, resources and consumption.

                                                                                                                                      We have been a member since 1987 and support PUSCH financially. We are also a partner (through IG Retail Trade) of the national campaign against food waste “Save Food, Fight Waste” run by the PUSCH Foundation.

                                                                                                                                      • SENS eRecycling Foundation (electrical appliances)

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                                                                                                                                        The SENS eRecycling Foundation plays an important role as an expert in the environmentally friendly recycling of discarded electrical and electronic appliances, lamps, luminaires, photovoltaic systems, and industrial and vehicle batteries.

                                                                                                                                        Its efforts set pioneering standards in the field of electronics recycling and help to conserve resources and protect the environment.

                                                                                                                                        • Tischlein deck dich and Swiss Table

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                                                                                                                                          Since 2013, we have been supporting the two organisations Swiss Table and Tischlein deck dich as part of the “foodbridge” project, both with food donations and financially. In 2021, the contract with the two organisations was renewed for the years 2022 to 2024.

                                                                                                                                          The aim of the organisations is to reduce food loss in Switzerland and distribute food to those in need with the help of volunteers.

                                                                                                                                          In addition to “foodbridge”, we also work with other organisations such as Caritas, Partage and Tables du Rhône.

                                                                                                                                          • United Against Waste (UAW)

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                                                                                                                                            United Against Waste is an industry association in the food sector. It is actively committed to reducing food waste in the entire food industry.

                                                                                                                                            We are therefore working together with the industry to get the reduction of food waste on the agenda. One of the UN Sustainable Development Goals is to halve the amount of food waste by 2030.

                                                                                                                                            The focus is on implementing the action plan against food waste together with the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), which is pursuing this UN goal.

                                                                                                                                            Social cohesion

                                                                                                                                            • Bioterra

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                                                                                                                                              Bioterra is the leading organisation for organic and natural gardens in Switzerland. In addition to organic cultivation, Bioterra is particularly committed to the promotion and preservation of native flora and fauna, for example with the Gartenkind project, which we support.

                                                                                                                                              • Health Promotion Switzerland

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                                                                                                                                                Health Promotion Switzerland initiates, promotes and implements activities for the health of the Swiss population. The foundation awards a seal of quality to companies that have integrated workplace health management into their corporate management and systematically and successfully implement health promotion measures.

                                                                                                                                                Since the end of 2015, all ten of our cooperatives have been awarded the “Friendly Work Space” label. The Migros pension fund and the Migros distribution company are also recipients of the award.

                                                                                                                                                Member of the Economic Advisory Board: Daniela Egg Erzinger, Head of Corporate Health Human Resources Management Migros Group, Federation of Migros Cooperatives.

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