Collect plastic instead of throwing it away
Give plastic packaging a new life – with the plastic collection bags.
Circular economy
A recycling solution for plastic packaging and drinks cartons is now being launched throughout Switzerland. How does Recybag work? And what will happen to Migros plastic collection bags?
“Plastic packaging is a recyclable material that can be recycled to a high degree,” explains Recypac CEO Odile Inauen. In Switzerland, we use 195,000 tonnes of plastic packaging every year. Just 3% of this is currently recycled. The rest is incinerated. “The Recypac solution is intended to close the last major gap in the circular economy,” Inauen says.
At the moment, in the city of Bern and some parts of Zurich. Further locations will be added later. Members of the public can buy Recybags of various sizes in shops or from their local authority. Anyone can collect plastic packaging at home and then take the filled bags back to certain stores or the local recycling centre. In Switzerland, local authorities are responsible for waste management. That’s why it’s organised differently depending on where you live.
“We recommend capping the price. For example, a 35-litre bag shouldn’t cost more than CHF 1.60. That would make it less expensive than rubbish bags in most communities,” Inauen says. People would therefore save money by not putting household plastic in their regular rubbish bag. It’s good for the environment too.
Yes. One kilogram of new plastic generates emissions equivalent to five kilograms of carbon dioxide over its entire lifecycle. For recycled plastic, that figure is 1.5 kilograms. The environmental benefits can be improved by optimising the packaging. Up to now, many plastics couldn't be recycled. “We’re pursuing two goals through Recypac: collecting more packaging through a nationwide collection network and improving the reuse of collected materials when packaging finally becomes easier to recycle,” Inauen says.
Whereas 10,000 tonnes of plastic were collected in Switzerland in 2023, 112,000 tonnes could potentially be collected every year. That's three times as much as the collection of PET drinks bottles.
For the time being, nothing will change for customers. Migros’ current plastic collection bags will continue to be available.
To pay for the collection, sorting and recycling process. Recypac isn't a money-making scheme, which is why the bag – which is available in four sizes – can be sold at a reasonable price.
“In Switzerland, collection is only considered worthwhile if there is demand from industry for the recycled material and it can be recycled to a high degree,” Inauen says. There is now a growing demand for plastic granulate. The more that material is collected and the higher its quality, the better the recycled materials. “The industry solution is more than just a new collection system. By increasing the volumes collected, we want to ensure that sorting and recycling plants will soon be built in Switzerland,” Inauen says.
“We don’t expect that,” says Jasmin Buchs, a sustainability specialist at Migros. The Swiss are already very disciplined when it comes to separating waste, she explains. Separate collection of household plastic will thus eventually become second nature for them, not least since many people have been annoyed that plastic wasn’t being collected up to now.
Migros operates along the lines of "avoid, reduce, recycle". Where using plastic makes sense, for example to protect products and avoid food waste, packaging is continuously being optimised. Take Optigal chicken packaging: it’s now made of transparent monofilm that’s easy to recycle. “A recycling system must aim to reuse recycled material for its original purpose, just like with PET drinks bottles,” Buchs explains. Recypac members are working intensely to reach this goal for other plastic packaging too.
Do you know what can go in the bin? With our tips and tricks, recycling not only becomes easy, you also save a lot of waste.