
A person dropping off a full plastic collection bag at a collection point.

Recycling with Migros plastic collection bags

Collect plastic instead of throwing it away

Give plastic packaging a new life – with Migros plastic collection bags.

Janine Radlingmayr
What we do, Tip

We want to preserve our environment for future generations. To this end, we are constantly taking new measures. Instead of simply throwing away valuable materials, we're collecting them. Our recycling goal is to reuse more than 50% of the waste plastic packaging and products that we collect. In this way, collected plastic is being turned into ice cream packaging, for example. However, in the long term, we would like to hit the 70% mark.

It's simple:

  • You buy Migros plastic collection bags and collect plastic at home.

  • You then bring your full collection bags to one of our Migros collection points the next time you go shopping.

  • These collection points can be found at most supermarkets in central Switzerland, stores in Fribourg canton and Lausanne, at selected branches in the city of Zurich as well as a number of stores in Bern canton.

  • We're constantly considering extending the offer to other regions.

What belongs in plastic collection bags - and what doesn't?

In general, all plastic food packaging and containers belong in a Migros plastic collection bag. To ensure that you separate your plastic waste correctly, download our guide on how to collect plastic:

Where do I take my Migros plastic collection bags?

Find out at your local branch or check online to see which stores accept filled collection bags. At some stores, all you need do is place the Migros plastic collection bag in the relevant container, while at others you dispose of the bag by throwing it through the corresponding hole in the recycling wall. Not all branches have appropriate return facilities – at least, not yet! However, this is constantly being expanded.

A certified cycle

Migros has gradually been expanding plastic recycling at its branch stores since 2021. Migros' plastic collection service is certified by the Swiss Association of Plastic Recyclers (VSPR). This label ensures that collected plastic is recycled sensibly and in line with a quality standard.

Making sustainability simple

Whether for when you’re shopping or in the kitchen, we offer tips on little everyday things that you can do to help the environment.

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