
Mira Song, Head of Social Affairs and Culture Migros, sits laughing on a painter's ladder

Migros Commitment

Who is the woman behind the culture percentage?

In her role as Head of Social Affairs and Culture at Migros, Mira Song manages a budget of millions of Swiss francs. We interviewed her to find out how she uses the funds and what social cohesion means to her.

Katja Fischer De Santi
Lucas Ziegler
What we do, Interview

Mira Song, are there any particular special memories you associate with Migros?

I always wanted to be a Migros cashier when I was young because I loved working out the change in my head. But the fact that my parents met at Migros had a much greater influence over my destiny. My mum was responsible for guided tours at the Migros Cooperative in Zurich, while dad worked there as a city guide for tour groups. That’s how they very first met.

You’ve been Head of the Social Affairs and Culture Department at the Federation of Migros Cooperatives since autumn 2024. What made you the perfect fit for this role?

Not that much really (she laughs). I studied biochemistry at ETH Zurich and wanted to become a scientist. But even before graduating, I realised that working in a lab would mean not being in contact with people as much as I would like. And then as life turned out, I joined Credit Suisse through a graduate scheme where I worked on Expo.02. I stayed at the bank for over 20 years, working in sponsorship. I then joined the Federation of Migros Cooperatives in 2023 as Head of Culture.

Can you sum up in a single sentence what you’re really good at?

My family would say that nobody your age runs for the train as fast as you do. But in all seriousness, I’m very good at networking with people and linking up ideas.

So there’s no chance of you settling for the status quo?

No, progress is life. I love working with people who want to make a mark for the better. That’s what motivates me.

Your department manages a budget of tens of millions of Swiss francs to promote cultural and social projects. Is it your dream job?

Working on social and cultural issues is an absolute privilege. But it’s really challenging too, because everything has to run highly efficiently often based on pragmatic decisions, just like at an SME.

What’s your typical working day like?

There’s no typical working day really (she laughs). I’m usually in lots of meetings and on calls with colleagues from the various teams. I deal with a vast range of issues, such as strategic, content-related matters with the co-management of the Migros Museum, selecting funding projects for the Migros Pioneer Fund as well as working together with HR, IT and Finance.

Where and how do you relax and recharge your batteries?

I love spending time in nature, hiking and travelling with my family, going to cultural events and sometimes simply reading at home on the sofa.

My parents met at Migros. So I’m a true Migros child.

Mira Song, Head of Social Affairs and Culture at the Federation of Migros Cooperatives.

Migros is currently going through a period of upheaval. Is the Migros Culture Percentage as well as its alignment also coming under scrutiny?

Social commitment has been a firmly established part of Migros' DNA since 1957 with the Migros Culture Percentage. The Articles of Association require a percentage of Migros' turnover to be used for social, cultural and economic policy purposes.

Your department is responsible for well-known events, such as m4music, the Steps dance festival and the Migros Culture Percentage Classics – are there any changes in the pipeline?

We review all events on a regular basis. We don’t necessarily have to continue working in areas where other players or the public sector are present. There’ll always be changes, but it’s more a question of slight adjustments in direction than a complete realignment.

Critics claim Migros’ cultural programmes and projects are too "niche" and only appeal to a small audience. What do you say to them?

Our funding often enables gaps to be closed, opening up access and raising profiles. Migros Culture Percentage Classics, for example, has been making classical music accessible ot everyone by offering affordable ticket prices since 1948. In terms of social activities, we provide people with straightforward services – we run get-togethers for senior citizens and storytelling cafés, and aim to strengthen volunteering. The cooperatives use their Migros Culture Percentage to support easy-access programmes in the regions, such as initiatives where customers get the time to chat to checkout staff or the Midsummer Night’s Ball at Zurich central railway station.

The Migros Pioneer Fund supports start-ups and projects in their early stages – what criteria are applied in their selection?

The Migros Pioneer Fund aims to maintain a good quality of life in Switzerland by means of innovation. This means that our projects must provide a promising solution to an urgent social issue, such as the energy crisis or shortage of skilled labour. And they must have the potential to become established on the market.

The website states that the Migros Culture Percentage is committed to social cohesion. That’s quite a vague term.

My understanding of our mission is that we are striving to strengthen society as a whole and social cohesion by providing as many people as possible with access to education, culture, leisure activities and communities.

Can you provide some specific examples?

These are often small-scale local initiatives launched to meet a specific need, such as community gardens, neighbourhood get-togethers, language cafés, communal cooking and movie nights. Such activities are often organised and supported by a team of volunteers. Recognising and supporting this commitment is something that really matters to us.

Finally, a question I simply have to ask – what’s your favourite Migros product?

The Migros paper bag! It’s really practical and iconic too – and I’m a huge fan of the artist carrier bag too.

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