
Political activities

We are politically active

Various politicians meet in an anteroom in the Federal Palace.

As one of the largest companies in Switzerland, Migros is affected by political decisions in many ways. Because it is dependent on favourable economic conditions, it actively participates in the political process. Migros not only represents its own interests, but traditionally also those of consumers.


Even in our early days, Gottlieb Duttweiler was politically committed to consumer concerns and to his company. As a member of the National Council and the Council of States, he proposed various initiatives aimed at combating cartels and state-induced overproduction in agriculture and ensuring economic freedom. A detailed list of his initiatives is provided in the brochure “Duttis Steinwurf” (see PDF).

After Duttweiler’s death, Council of States member Albin Heimann, National Council member Walter Biel and Council of States member Monika Weber continued to fight in his spirit. In 1986, together with the National Ring of Independents, we successfully took the referendum against the “Sugar Decree”, which wanted to boost domestic production and place a heavy tax on sugar imports.

Public affairs / Lobbying

The Economic Policy Directorate bears the main responsibility for our lobbying and public affairs. This also includes the M-Infoline customer service. It reports to the President of the FMC Executive Board. The Public Affairs department comprises 3.5 roles. Jürg Maurer, Deputy Head of the Economic Policy Directorate, is responsible for active lobbying. He is a member of the Swiss Public Affairs Association SPAG, which obliges its members to engage in transparent lobbying and to comply with the code of conduct. Jürg Maurer also has an access badge for the Federal Palace from National Councillor Stefan Müller-Altermatt and is a member of the Advisory Committee on Agriculture. We are represented by Gabi Buchwalder in the Federal Commission for Consumer Affairs EKK and in the Federal Commission for Nutrition EEK.

The tasks of economic policy at a glance:
  • Identifying, analysing, bundling and enforcing corporate and consumer interests

  • Public affairs function (contact point for consumer organisations, farmers’ associations, business associations, etc.)

  • Ensuring the formation of opinion on economic policy within the Migros community

  • Networking interests

  • Communicating agricultural and economic policy issues

  • Coordinating and preparing consultations

  • Lobbying Parliament, Federal Council, Administration

  • Consultation with other organisations of which we are members

  • Representation in the Interessengemeinschaft Detailhandel Schweiz (Retail Trade Association of Switzerland) and the Interessengemeinschaft Agrarstandort Schweiz IGAS (interest group for Switzerland as an agricultural location)

Party donations

We do not provide any direct party funding and do not pay politicians’ salaries. Migros does, however, support events and publications by political parties within the scope of its possibilities. We only actively participate in referendum campaigns when our own interests and those of consumers are affected. In these cases, we pay corresponding contributions, just like the other representatives of a committee.

Memberships and associations

In order to better implement our political concerns, we are involved in two organisations:

Interessengemeinschaft Detailhandel Schweiz (retail trade association of Switzerland)


In this retail trade association, we work on political dossiers together with Coop and Denner. The retail trade association highlights the economic importance of the retail trade and attempts to help achieve a breakthrough regarding the concerns of retailers and consumers. The retail trade association comprises six working groups on the topics of environment & energy, domestic market, agriculture and food industry, product safety and freight transport.

Interessengemeinschaft Agrarstandort Schweiz (agriculture association of Switzerland)


IGAS, the agriculture association of Switzerland, is a platform for the entire agricultural and food industry, from production to consumption. It also deals with complicated topics such as market and sustainability deficits or the unresolved relationship with the EU. IGAS is committed to Switzerland as a site for agriculture and to a self-determined, clever approach to interesting foreign markets. Since 2008, IGAS has been working to ensure that the entire value chain addresses the opening of the agricultural market at an early stage and prepares for it accordingly. We are represented on the board as a founding member.

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