
The delegates

How we’re set up

Assembly of Delegates

The Assembly of Delegates is the highest governing body within Migros. Its delegates generally meet twice a year to vote on important bills. We’ll show you how our Assembly of Delegates is set up and what its tasks are.

Composition and electoral procedure

In accordance with the statues, the FMC Assembly of Delegates comprises 111 members. A hundred delegates are elected by the regional Cooperatives on the basis of a prescribed quota. Each Cooperative is allocated at least five seats, with the remaining seats being distributed based on the number of members in the two calendar years preceding the elections. In addition, each Cooperative designates an ad hoc representative from its Board of Directors for each assembly meeting. The committee is chaired by an external, independent president.

The number of delegate votes for each Cooperative – as of 1 July 2024 – is distributed as follows (elected delegates per Cooperative):

Regional Cooperatives


Migros Cooperative Aare (MCAA)


Migros Cooperative Eastern Switzerland (MCES)


Migros Cooperative Zurich (MCZ)


Migros Cooperative Basel (MCBS)


Migros Cooperative Lucerne (MCLU)


Migros Cooperative Vaud (MCVD)


Migros Cooperative Neuenburg-Freiburg (MCNE-FR)


Migros Cooperative Geneva (MCGE)


Migros Cooperative Ticino (MCTI)


Migros Cooperative Valais (MCVS)


Working methods and powers

The Assembly of Delegates (AoD) has an Office (Office of the Assembly of Delegates) and also operates two permanent working groups – Migros Aid Fund and Annual Report of the Board of Directors – whose duties and organisation are regulated in the organisational rules of the AoD and in mandates. There is also a facility for setting up ad hoc working groups for temporary assignments.

The principal powers of the AoD include:

  • Defining and amending the statutes

  • Electing and dismissing members of the Board of Directors

  • Passing resolutions on defining and amending Migros’ basic business policy

  • Taking the decision to dissolve the Federation of Migros Cooperatives (FMC)

  • Approving the Annual Report and annual financial statements of the FMC

  • Deciding on the appropriation of the profit for the year

  • Ratifying the actions of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board

  • Selecting and appointing the Board of Control

  • Approval of Migros accounting (Group accounting)

Members of the Assembly of Delegates

  • We are Migros

    Three delegates in the spotlight

  • We are Migros

    I look forward to making my contribution to Migros’ success together with my colleagues on the committees and with the regional cooperatives.

    Edith Spillmann – President of the Assembly of Delegates
  • We are Migros

    As a member of the Assembly of Delegates, I am getting to know the Migros world from the inside and having interesting and rewarding encounters with members of other Cooperatives.

    Eugenia Rauccio-Farinon, delegate for the Migros Vaud Cooperative
  • We are Migros

    I like the interaction with the people and the mutual discovery of a company like Migros, which is always good for a surprise.

    Daniele Poggiali, delegate for the Migros Ticino Cooperative

In total, our Assembly of Delegates consists of one hundred elected delegates. These were elected by the bodies of the regional cooperatives for a four-year term of office. Together with the ten representatives of the regional administrations of the cooperatives and the President, they form the 111-member Assembly of Delegates.

Members 01.07.2024 – 30.06.2028:

  • Delegates for the Migros Aare Cooperative

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    Rolf Bracher, Thomas Brändli, Samuel Brülisauer, Valérie Burnier, Nicole de Weck, Anja Fischer, Anita Grütter, Nathalie Kohler, Bettina Legler, Jacqueline Mangold, Christian Meier, Frank Rytz, Doris Stuber, Monika Stutz, Sabine Weidermann, Marcel Widmer, Tanja Zaugg

    • Delegates for the Migros Basel Cooperative

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      Luzia Balmer, Bernard Bossart, Nadia Eberle, Holger Friedrich, Isabelle Heiz, Jean-Bernard Kottelat, Michael Kuhn-Sonnenfroh, Chris Leduc, Karl Linder

      • Delegates for the Migros Geneva Cooperative

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        Barbara Daldini, Susanne Darbellay, Raffaella Filliez, Dirk Langer, Manuel Ogi, Karin Roztocil, Philippe Schneider, Zoa Schneiter

        • Delegates for the Migros Lucerne Cooperative

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          Georg Ambauen, Sybil Breitling Gubler, Renata Capol Käppeli, Christina Dahinden Haas, Helen Graber Lengwiler, Brigitte Journeaux, Urs Michel, Karin Schmitz-Güttinger, Valentin Schuler

          • Delegates for the Migros Neuenburg-Freiburg Cooperative

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            Marie-France Aubry-Baume, Pierre-André Bonvallat, Réjane Morand Bourqui, Isabelle Rérat, Jean-Marc Riedi, Sabine Spring, Pierre-Yves Sprunger, Erika Stadler

            • Delegates for the Migros Eastern Switzerland Cooperative

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              Claudia Aebischer Kohler, Angela Bruhin, Sharon Brühwiler, Susanne Bührer, Nicole Donno, Brigitte Engeli, Reto Fischer, Mathias Good, Karin Kreis-Schori, Helen Länzlinger, Manuela Leuenberger, Barbara Lüscher, Esther Vogt-Dudli, Peter von Gunten

              • Delegates for the Migros Ticino Cooperative

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                Nadia Bregoli, Cristina Coduri Mossi, Andrea Gamba, Sandro Glaus, Patrizia Mazzola, Daniele Poggiali, Simona Vezzoli

                • Delegates for the Migros Vaud Cooperative

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                  Nicole Dumont-Martin, Mélanie Guisti, Sandra Koehli-Maillard, Laura Locatelli, Raphaël Pampuri, Eugenia Rauccio-Farinon, Françoise Salone, Adrien Sovrano, Romaine Vannod

                  • Delegates for the Migros Valais Cooperative

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                    Carole Bagnoud, Natacha Clavien, Roland Hugon, Julien Kaeser, Pascal Schwery, Claudia Zen-Ruffinen, Mélanie Zuber

                    • Delegates for the Migros Zurich Cooperative

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                      Caroline Čada, Ariuscha Davatz, Nives Geissbühler, Jana Huwyler, Mohan Mani, Lukas Nick, Julian Reiser, Evelyne Schaller, Daniel Schindler, Isabel Sprecher, Hans-Peter Wyss, Dominique M.-L. Zaugg

                      Office of the Assembly of Delegates

                      The Office of the Assembly of Delegates prepares the agenda of the Assembly of Delegates and acts as the central interface between the Board of Directors and the Assembly of Delegates.

                      • Edith Spillmann – President of the FMC AoD

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                        • Since 2017: Head of HR Business Partner national and Deputy Head of HR, Arnold AG (BKW Infra Services)

                        • 2001–2016: HR Manager Europe, Head of International Customer Services Department, Meritor

                        • 1998–2000: Head of International Distribution, Schneider (Europe)/Pfizer Medical Technology Group

                        • 1994–1997: Account Manager Export, Mibelle Cosmetics AG, Buchs/AG

                        Dirk Langer – Migros Geneva Cooperative (Vice President FMC AoD)
                        Nadja Bregoli – Migros Ticino Cooperative
                        Chris Leduc – Migros Basel Cooperative
                        Tanja Zaugg – Migros Aare Cooperative

                        Working groups of Assembly of Delegates

                        • Migros Aid Fund

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                          Claudia Zen-Ruffinen – Migros Valais Cooperative (President of the working group)
                          Christina Dahinden – Migros Lucerne Cooperative
                          Karl Linder – Migros Basel Cooperative
                          Mohan Mani – Migros Zurich Cooperative
                          Urs Michel – Migros Lucerne Cooperative
                          Sabine Spring – Migros Neuenburg-Freiburg Cooperative
                          Sabine Weidermann – Migros Aare Cooperative

                          • Annual Report of the Board of Directors

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                            Christian Meier – Migros Aare Cooperative (President of the working group)
                            Marie-France Aubry – Migros Neuenburg-Freiburg Cooperative
                            Thomas Brändli – Migros Aare Cooperative
                            Adrien Sovrano – Migros Vaud Cooperative

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