
Good for the climate

Enjoy fruit and vegetables sustainably

A woman standing in a field of tomatoes.

For many years, we have been working to make our fruit and vegetable range more sustainable. This has involved taking a close look at our products and finding out what we can do to improve even more. To implement these improvements, we regularly review our progress and support our producers by offering in-depth advice.

What we do

Our fruit and vegetables should not only impress with their freshness, but also with their sustainability, which is why we work alongside our producers to implement a wide range of measures.

  • Reducing CO emissions
    Independent experts analyse our producers’ emissions and identify areas where there is potential for reduction.

  • Using water responsibly
    We analyse water consumption and quality and raise awareness on how water and wastewater can be used responsibly.

  • Improving soil quality
    We improve soil management by analysing soil quality and organic matter content.

  • Responsible and minimal use of pesticides
    When using pesticides, we always ensure that they are used responsibly and as little as possible.

  • Reducing waste
    We analyse and improve all our producers’ waste management – from cultivation through to storage and transport.

  • Improving working conditions
    We optimise social conditions such as working conditions, occupational safety and gender equality.

  • Protecting ecosystems and promoting biodiversity
    During cultivation, we pay great attention to the protection and preservation of ecosystems and the diversity of animal and plant species.

What we are currently doing

Our labels for fruit and vegetables

Our labels identify our sustainable fruit and vegetable products, so you can shop and do good at the same time.

  • IP-Suisse

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    IP-SUISSE logo

    The IP-Suisse label stands for environmentally friendly, sustainable and high-quality agricultural products from Switzerland. Products awarded the IP-Suisse label meet strict requirements relating to environmental protection, animal welfare, biodiversity and social sustainability. IP-Suisse farms are committed to using near-natural production methods that promote the protection of soil, water and habitats and minimise the use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides.

    • Migros Organic

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      Migros Organic logo

      The Migros Organic label is used for food produced via organic farming and indicates that a considerate approach to the environment has been applied. This means that the following principles have been taken into account during production:

      • Production in harmony with natural cycles

      • Promotion of natural soil fertility

      • Preventive plant protection instead of chemical protective agents

      • No genetic engineering or air transportation

      • Demeter

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        Demeter logo

        The Demeter label stands for biodynamic, sustainable and high-quality agricultural products. It is the oldest organic label and sets strict guidelines for near-natural food production.

        The focus is on the concept of the cycle. The soil is strengthened by biodynamic preparations and fertility is boosted by composted animal manure. Diverse crop rotation prevents soil depletion, while product processing is gentle and only few additives are permitted.

        Good for you and the environment: organic fruit and vegetables

        Acting sustainably together

        You can find out more about our commitment to a wide range of sustainable products in the stories.

        All Stories

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