Collect plastic instead of throwing it away
Give plastic packaging a new life – with the plastic collection bags.
For the sake of the environment, use less plastic and avoid waste. That is not always easy. But we can all make a big difference with a few simple things – starting with your next shopping trip.
Net bags are so yesteryear: grab a Veggie Bag instead – the eco-friendly alternative to plastic bags. This way you can always carry fruit and vegetables from A to B without using plastic. And starting with the sixth purchase using the transparent Veggie Bags, this is much more sustainable than carrying your shopping in conventional single-use plastic bags.
This is how it works: simply weigh the fruit and vegetables without a bag, then pack them into the Veggie Bag – even several varieties in one and the same bag. Stick the price labels to the sewn-on fabric on the bag. The bags are machine washable at 30°C without any problems.
Bringing your own dishes and containers to the cheese and meat counter has been possible in many of our branches for some time now. At the cheese and meat counters, you can have the items you select packed in a reusable dish that you have brought with you. Make sure to check with your branch store first to see if they offer that service.
One thing is clear: reusing things is more environmentally friendly than throwing them away. That is why we are increasingly relying on reusable solutions – and you can do your bit to help. How? Just keep your eyes peeled for our reusable take-away bowls, reusable egg boxes or our aubergine-coloured take-away lunch boxes. The reason being that our reusable solutions achieve a very good ecological life cycle balance sheet, even though – or precisely because – they are made of reusable plastic materials.
Always the same cleaning agent or a favourite soap? We offer refill packs of more and more products, because lightweight pouch packaging reduces the use of plastic bottles, which are more material-intensive. So, next time you go shopping, go for a refill – even for favourites like Handy washing-up liquid.
The refill bag for the Handy washing-up liquid weighs 24 grams and holds 1.5 litres. This is equivalent to two bottles of 40 grams of material and 0.75 litres of content. The bag eliminates 70% of the packaging. Many cleaning agents and cosmetics are also available as concentrates that can be mixed with water. This further reduces packaging and transport weight.
Shower gel, shampoo and soap are also available at Migros in solid form and without plastic packaging.
Do you know what can go in the bin? With our tips and tricks, recycling not only becomes easy, you also save a lot of waste.