
Cohesion strategy

We contribute to social cohesion

A smiling woman hugs an older woman who is also smiling.

We are committed to a sustainable quality of life in our core business, but also far beyond this through our passion and vision. At the same time, we strengthen social cohesion.

This is how we contribute to social cohesion

  • Cohesion strategy

    Our action fields

  • Sustainable consumption

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    Our aim is to make sustainable consumption easy for our customers by focusing on responsible marketing and positive incentives.

    Our approaches

    • We inform our customers about the impact of their consumption on people and the environment.

    • We put in place concrete incentives to encourage our customers to choose more sustainable alternative products.

    • We avoid false incentives by ensuring a rigorous approach to responsible marketing.

    Our targets

    • By 2025, a majority (over 50 percent) of customers think that Migros makes sustainable shopping easy in Migros supermarkets and hypermarkets.

    • By the end of 2023, the sustainability principles for avoiding false incentives with regard to sustainable consumption in Migros supermarkets and hypermarkets, including Migros Online, will be an integral part of all marketing processes and will be continuously developed further.

    To the target reporting

    All targets in the area of “sustainable consumption” pursue the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

    Illustration of SDG 1, 12, 13, 14 und 15.
    Our consumption targets pursue the SDGs 1, 12, 13, 14 and 15.

    More about the SDGs of the United Nations

    • Partnerships

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      We support a wide range of projects through our various partnerships and memberships, with the aim of strengthening our commitment to sustainable development and participating in social and political processes.

      Our approach

      We promote partnerships and dialogues that contribute to the sustainable development of the environment and society – both within Switzerland and at all stages of our value-added chain.

      Our goal

      • By 2025, we will ensure that all partnerships of Migros supermarkets and hypermarkets play a part in achieving the Migros sustainability strategy.

      To the target reporting

      All targets in the area of “Partnerships” pursue the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

      Illustration of SDG 17
      Our partnership goals pursue the SDG 17.

      More about the SDGs of the United Nations

      • Social commitment to leisure, culture and education

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        Through our social commitment, we create a wide range of offerings in the areas of coexistence, culture, education, health, technology and ethics. More sustainable events, access to cultural offerings and the teaching of language and culture are just some of our topic fields.

        Our approaches

        • Together with our event organisers, we want to make the events we sponsor even more sustainable.

        • We enable the Swiss population to further develop their digital skills.

        • We support the personal development of people with different learning biographies.

        • We bring immigrants in Switzerland closer to our language and culture.

        • We want to be the partner for our customers for an active, motivating, and successful lifestyle, focusing on exercise, nutrition, and relaxation.

        • We help the general public to actively participate in processes to strengthen the civil society.

        • We offer interested members of the public a rich cultural programme.

        More about our environmental standards

        Our goal

        • By 2025, 67% of the events we sponsor are expected to have an overall performance of 67/100 points.

        To the target reporting

        All targets in the area of “Social commitment for leisure, culture & education” pursue the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

        Illustration of SDG 3, 4 10 und 11.
        Our social commitment targets pursue the SDGs 3, 4 10 and 11.

        More about the SDGs of the United Nations

        • A responsible employer

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          The Migros Group is the largest private employer in Switzerland. As such, it offers an extraordinary variety of tasks in different sectors and roles. For this reason, we have a major influence on the employment conditions and everyday working life of many people. In addition to employment conditions, our impact on society and our employees is particularly high in the areas of diversity, inclusion and equal opportunities, as well as health and safety in the workplace. On the Migros Group Work Environment page, you can find out what we stand for and what we offer.

          Find out more about our social standards in the supply chain

          The “Responsible employer” area pursues the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

          Illustration of SDG 3, 5, 8 und 10.
          Our targets to become a more responsible employer pursue the SDGs 3, 5, 8 and 10.

          More about the SDGs of the United Nations

          Key figures on employees

          For the community

          We are committed to people and our society. Inclusion, education and culture are just as important to us as supporting social and innovative projects.

          All Stories

          More on the topic of social cohesion